COVID-19 Recommendations

Technical resources for cinema operators during closure

This is a work-in-progress as we verify and add links. Please provide feedback and suggestions.

As cinemas have been forced to shutdown exhibitors must continue to maintain their equipment in order to have them ready for reopening. The issue that concerns many is that a battery backup fails and the security module is disabled and the equipment would not work until a repair by the manufacturer (possibly a return to the factory).

Please find below links to general resources and guidelines from industry professionals.

In addition, you will find below a list of official resources from various manufacturers and integrators. Get in touch with your local integrator if you want more detailed information or have any doubts about the procedures described in these documents. If your company wants to add to this list or update your document, please contact


Test Content Download

As theaters prepare to re-open, it is good to test encrypted content to make sure it all works. ISDCF created the SMPTE-DCP test package which not only is freely available, it also is encrypted AND tests all key functions of the system. To get this content and the associated keys:

We are currently using version 2.1 of the test content The content for B1, B2, test material can be downloaded from: (NEW – 20170515)

NEW! To get test key use the following procedure and Download the document with full description:

Company Resources

In addition, you will find below a list of official resources from various manufacturers and integrators. Get in touch with your local integrator if you want more detailed information or have any doubts about the procedures described in these documents. If your company wants to add to this list or update your document, please contact