These groups are formed under the main ISDCF meeting for special issues.
Immersive Audio Sub Group
Interested members are invited to join the ISDCF discussion list on this topic. Register at
Plugfest on Monday February 10/Tuesday Feb 11 at Deluxe Flower Street
DCPL - Digital Cinema Picture Level Project
NATO project run by ISDCF
Interested members are invited to join the ISDCF discussion list on this topic. Register at

We want to measure a theater in under an hour to measure:
- Theater Black (on screen)
- Trailer walk in black (on screen)
- Projector black (on screen)
- 2D brightness
- 2D SYSTEM sequential contrast ratio
- 2D DCIC (Digital Cinema Intraframe Contrast)
- 2D ANSI contrast
- Look at some 2D clips
- 3D brightness
- 3D system sequential contrast ratio
- 3D DCIC contrast
- 3D ANSI contrast
- Look at some 3D clips